Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Last Farm Critique

1) In 50 words or less tell what the film was about.
The film was about an old man, who recently lost his wife, struggles to find purpose in the world without his wife.  Eventually, the old man decides his place was, is and always will be with her, and he keeps true to that in the biggest way.

2) What was more important/memorable/significant? The plot or the characters? Why?
The most significant, in my opinion, was the ending burial scene.  Everything that took place in the film was leading up to his end, and after multiple viewings, the burial scene still sends a wave of sadness, respect, and leaving with a new idea of death, love, and commitment.

3) What did you take away from the film?
What I mostly took away from it was a new perspective.  Suicide was always a weird subject to me.  I've never been to that point of depression, but I can understand how people go through it.  I would think it would be one of the most frightening situations possible.  But the Old man greets death with dignity and fearlessness, and he does this because of love.  So sometimes death isn't a going away, but a coming to, a coming to something that someone lost in their living life, something that cannot be found in their living life.

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