Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Day

1) Describe your film
My film is a brief overview of what goes on at school throughout a day.  I mostly use creative shots along with music from "The xx" to create a feeling of nostalgia from our fast lives.

2) What was the mood you were going for?
The modd I was going for was somewhere around the feeling of a day at school.  The hustle and bustle and sometimes stressful feeling that school provokes.

3) Do you think you were effective in representing the mood? Why/How?
In a way, yes.  I did capture a fair amount of what goes on at Pinewood.  But it can be also be confusing as the emotion isn't clear as I would like it to be.

4) How did the use of sound or music influence the film?
The music was the main force behind the film.  It added more to the emotion of going through life and gave life to the still shots of nature.

5) Would you do anything different?
I would probably add more scenes and choose a different song that was longer, to try and encompass even more of what goes on at school.

6) What are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of the fact that I got up at 6 am to go film the sunrise and get the shots I needed.  It was the first time I ever did something like that.  Probably won't be the last.

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