Sunday, December 4, 2011

Film Review #3

Dog Day Afternoon

1) Provide a description of the film. Discuss the plot and characters and how they influenced the film. Was the plot line or character development more important? Why?

The plot of the movie was about 3 men who go in to rob a bank. The robbers aren't very coordinated, as one bails when they first enter the bank.  Sonny (Al Pacino) attempts to quickly move along the robbery so he and his remaining partner, Sal, can make a quick get away.  However, the cops are called and arrive upon scene.  The robbery turns into a hostage situation and the whole area becomes a side show on the local news.  With the police surrounding Sonny and Sal, Sonny attempts to negotiate his way out of the situation and escape prison.  The character development was very important.  Sonny at first just seems like some low life robbing a bank and his partner Sal seems the same.  However, over time we learn more about Sonny and Sal and learn they, too, are citizens of the world like you and me.  We end up feeling pity for them in the end as we know that they never meant to hurt anyone.  They were just in a bad spot and needed some help.

2) Think critically about how the film was shot, directed, use of lighting, etc. What do you think was effective in the making of the film? What took away or could have been done differently to enhance the film?
The cinematography was great.  Since the movie was shot at one very small scene.  The director and cinematographer had to get creative and they did.  My personal favorite shots were the ones outside the bank, looking at the amassed crowds that surrounded the tiny bank that Sonny and Sal were held up in.

3) What is you overall opinion of the film? Would you recommend it? Why/why not?
I think the film is a great view into the dark side of the media.  It shows how a very serious and critical situation like a hostage and bank robbery situation and turn it into a story about "crazy and homosexual" people are on a rampage for their beliefs.  I highly recommend this film because it is very well done and the acting by Al Pacino is one for the ages.

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