Monday, September 26, 2011

Movie Review #1

Review for "The Departed" directed by Martin Scorsese

"The Departed"is about a group of agents working to take down a major crime boss, Costello.  The agents include characters Dignam, played by Mark Whalberg, Queenan, played by Martin Sheen, Ellerby, played by Alec Baldwin, and Billy, played by Leonardo Dicaprio, who is undercover and works for Costello.  Billy's entire life is erased and he is sent into prison to get into the game of organized crime.  He eventually comes into contact with Costello and starts to work for him, all the while relaying information back to agents.  However, Colin, played by Matt Damon, who is an agent, really works for Costello.  The story then circles around the idea that there are "rats" in both groups and both Billy and Colin struggle to find who the rat is without blowing their cover.  The plot is the main drive in this film because as soon as the realization of "rats" in both the Costello's group and in the agency, everything changes and it becomes a race to who can get to who first and the race becomes some character's demise.

Scorsese is known for his gang, mafia, mobster films and displays another side of crime in the modern day Irish Mafia in Massachusetts.  The dialogue contains a constant amount of cussing but, it only adds to the reality that we are in Massachusetts and witnessing the workings of the Irish Mafia.  Some may say that it detracts from the dialogue and somewhat causes the viewer to focus on the cussing and not the actual dialogue.  "Let the direct direct, and let the viewer learn to view" is what I like to say in these situations.  The best part of the film was the plot line and the fact it was very real and relatable.  The accurate portrayal of mob life is outstanding.  The twist of the two moles in the opposite departments adds an even greater drive to the movie and keeps the viewer to their seat wondering who is going to find who first and who will win, the mafia or the agency?

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and keep it as a classic in my books.  I also highly recommend this film to anyone who is either interested in a terrific story, outstanding acting for a star-studded cast, or a fan of any Scorsese movies in general because it is up there with "Goodfellas", "The Aviator" and "Gangs of New York" if not beyond them.

Running Alone

1) Describe your film
The film is a bout a teenager who is running along trails alone when he suddenly feels a presence about him.  He becomes more wary about this felt presence until he comes face to face with the unknown.
2) What was the mood you were for?
I was going for Anxiety
3) Do you think you were effective in representing the mood? Why/How?
In a way yes, and another way, no.  I feel that I made a too short of a film and did not add enough time for the film to build up.  But for such a simple topic and limited scenes, I felt I did an adequate job.
4) How did the use of sound or music influence the film?
I used barely any sound, only the sound of the wind and the runners footsteps and breathing.  It adds to the alone and anxiety aspect.
5) Would you do anything different?
I would have made it longer with more ramp up time.  I would have also tried to come up with a different way to shoot from different angles because the long view down the trail can be boring and easy to overuse.
6) What are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of the fact of how I used ideas that I've been learning.  Mainly using different angles and using the constant switching of angles to simulate what the character is going through.  It makes the viewer feel they, as well, are searching for the "presence".

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tokyo Glow by Jonathan Bensimon

In 50 words or less tell what the film was about
Film was about a image from a crosswalk light coming to life and walking through the streets of tokyo in search of companionship.

What was more important/memorable/significant? The plot or the characters? Why?
The most significant was the character of just one man in a white, lit up suit and how the film was centered around him.

What did you take away from the film?
I saw it as another way to focus on the emotion of love, loneliness, or the search for companionship and finding it in everyday things.

Melt Down by Dave Brown

In 50 words or less tell what the film was about.
Creeping ice threatens the survival of all the inhabitants of a faulty refrigerator. The group of leftovers, produce and dairy products must work together to overcome this chilly obstacle.

What was more important/memorable/significant? The plot of the characters? Why?
The characters were the most memorable.  The plot was very simple but, the characters, which were food, were what made the film so unique and allowed it to take place in a refrigerator creating for a fresh, original, idea.

What did you take away from the film?
I took away another idea of looking at things and how I could use them as major roles in my films.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miracle Fish directed by Luke Doolan

Provide a brief description of the film.
A young boy named Joe is bullied in the beginning and seeks refuge in the nurses' office.  He takes a nap and awakes to an empty school.  He wanders around the school and eventually encounters an armed gunman who is very anxious.  Gunman is killed.

What is the tone/mood?
The mood changes.  In the beginning, you feel compassion for Joe when he is getting bullied.  After he awakes from his nap, he is alone and wanders around the school where the viewer feels some relief the child isn't being bullied anymore.  However, there is also a feeling of anxiousness that something is going to happen, most likely something that could harm Joe.  In the end when Joe encounters the gunman, there is a feeling of fear that our protagonist is in danger.

How does the dialog influence the film?
The dialog in this film only revealed certain things about the lives of Joe and the gunman.  Through the dialog, we learn that Joe's father is in the hospital and his family isn't financially stable.  We learn that gunman is mentally unstable because of his somewhat incoherent babble, probably was just in a bad spot with money as he repeats "You can't turn 65 cents into a dollar", and had some family related issues as well.

In what ways does the cinematography affect the film?
The director uses shots to show mostly how empty the school has become and how alone Joe is in the world.  He also uses certain shots to show something or someone that will be significant in the future.

What scene or part of a scene do you like the best? Why?
My favorite scene was the scene where Joe is walking in a empty gym with desks in it and the camera is following Joe as he walks through the aisles from his eye level.  It feels, as Joe walks down the aisles, the rooms is very large and continues for a very long time adding to the sense of loneliness and another intuitive feeling that something bad had happened.

What was my opinion of the film?
I enjoyed it thoroughly as the director used certain sequences of shots to its fullest.  However, the film was too predictable to my taste and revealed too much in the beginning for me.  I prefer surprises than figuring things out before they happen.

The Door

Brief description
The film was about a family who was greatly affected by the events that had happened in Chernobyl and the suffering they endured afterwards.

Overall tone or mood
The tone was a depressing, despairing feeling.  Also there was the feeling of never going back home or to the way things used to be.

How does the dialog influence the film?
The dialog in the film is minimal.  The small amount of dialog related to how the events at Chernobyl left everyone speechless and how chatting/gossip could never be same the again.  The other is that dialogue wasn't need.  The film focused on the emotions of the characters, which were used to help the viewer feel the same as the characters, to figure out what was happening by the viewers themselves.

In what ways does the cinematography affect the film?
The shots that were taken mainly consisted of a dark, blue color to it.  Inside, there was little color and it seemed as if the coldness outside was creeping its way into the houses.  Outside, the images of snow everywhere and trees with no leaves adds to the death/tragic part of the film.

What scene did I like the best? Why?
My favorite scene was when the protagonist was running through the ruins of Chernobyl.  It started the film of with the dark, cold feeling that set the tone for the rest of the film.

My opinion of the film?
It was a great film but, only if the viewer understands what happened at Chernobyl and could recognize the town in the beginning.  Otherwise, he or she has no idea what they are watching and the significance of it.